Make Money Online Free

A site I haven’t talked much about recently is Swagbucks. It still remains however, one of my favorite sites to make money online because of how easy it is to use.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with Swagbucks, (which I bet isn’t many because they have an extremely big following), is basically a site that rewards you for searching online. Now over time, they have developed and upgraded and have created many other ways for their members to earn SB, such as taking surveys, etc, but their main focus is still searching.

Just like you use Google to search the internet on a daily basis, you can use Swagbucks instead, and be randomly rewarded with digital dollars called swagbucks, which you can redeem for cash and prizes online.

I think the fact that earning on this site is so easy, means that EVERYONE should have one.

I currently have 3672 swagbucks in my account, and I’ll probably redeem soon for PayPal cash.

Swagbucks has also recently announced a new “spoof” feature, where you can create a spoof about a friend of yours… and send it to them. A spoof is a custom search results page designed to mildly trick your friends into thinking they’re more famous than they really are.

Then, if they decide to create a spoof of their own, they’ll be automatically registered as your referral on Swagbucks.

Referrals is another way you can earn more swagbucks, so after joining, be sure to tell your friends and family and get them to sign up under you!

Another new feature recently launched on this site was Swagbucks TV. It is just like YouTube with the only difference being that you’ll have the chance to earn multiple Bucks per day, get referral bonus opportunities, find Swag Codes which reward viewing and much much more!

So sign up at today and start getting paid to search online!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.


So I know it’s been what seems like forever, since I’ve written a blog post, but my life has been ON THE GO every single day, so I apologize for not having the time to keep up with it all and still maintain this blog very frequently.

But I do have a few new payment proofs to post, some updates on my personal life and blogging, some new sites I’ve joined, and some other goodies.. so stay tuned. I don’t want to write an extremely long cumbersome post that has everything jumbled up, so I’ll try my best to separate them in a few different posts.

First off, I hope everyone’s been doing well, both in real life and when it comes to making money online.

I know both can be a struggle, but keep your heads up!

I’ve been spending so much time out of my house that when I am actually in, I just want to curl up on the couch with my husband under my fuzzy blankie and watch tv; even if it’s UFC Boxing and Football which he can’t seem to get enough of.

Blogging, while I enjoy it immensely, isn’t my number 1 priority lately. My real day job and family comes first… and I mean can you really blame me? Isn’t that how it should be? After all, this whole thing DID start as a hobby, and I intend to keep it that way. It’s the only way I can enjoy making money on the internet without getting frustrated that I’m not making a million bucks like the big guys; John Chow, and ShoeMoney.

Hobby = Happiness.

blog decisions So even though I’ve still been making money online, and with this blog, the question has often danced in my mind; “How long will that keep happening if I don’t have the necessary time to put into creating new content, and doing SEO work which would keep my blog ranking well, and hence, keep me making money?”

The answer: Your guess is just as good as mine.

I’m clueless as to how long this blog will stay profitable to me if I don’t continue to work on it like I should be doing. So what are my options?

1. Keep the blog, updating and working on it only when I have the time to do so, and wait til it probably eventually dies and makes me $0.

2. Cut back on my personal life, cuddle time, etc, and make more time for blogging and SEO.

3. Sell the blog.

Honestly, option #2 is out of my book. I refuse to do it. I know some of the hardcore internet marketers might think it is necessary for success and it would be a good sacrifice of my time for future rewards, but my philosophy of life tends to differ. I believe life is short, and while I love this blog and the money I make from it, I refuse to trade time with my husband and going out with my friends and family, for staying in and locking myself out of the world to blog. I just won’t do it.

Money isn’t everything to me, and it certainly can’t by my happiness.

So that leaves option #1 and option #3.

What are your opinions?

I’m more leaning towards option #3. Yes really. I am actually considering selling my blog. Not immediately. But in time to come.

But I have to make decisions quickly, because if I keep doing what I’m doing right now, which is not working hard enough on keeping my rankings, then basically when it drops, it will be worth much less if in fact I do decide to sell it.

However, I have no idea of how much blogs “go for” nowadays. Like how would you even know what is a good price? What if I sell it for $1000, but the person that buys it makes that back within just a month or two, and then keeps the blog and makes 4x times that amount in a year or less. That wouldn’t be such a profitable deal on my end.

Anyone has any ideas of how blog worth is calculated? And no I don’t mean those “blog worth” sites because they all give you a different amount, and I believe they are just “estimates” for fun… not actual value.

I mean like a real formula for calculating blog worth. Example, (money blog makes per month currently) x (some random number here)… Or at least something like that.

Anyway, don’t be alarmed, because I haven’t decided that this is what I’m going to do yet. I just might keep the darn blog how it’s been going, because I do enjoy posting now and again and keeping it going, and God knows I love those payments I get ever so often for a couple of hundreds here and there… The little goes a long way for me!

So I guess I should get to the next post now, and post some payment proofs, etc.

Stay tuned!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Recently, I did a post on Work From Home Jobs, where I talked about getting paid to click, do data entry type work, research work, proof reading and editing, etc.

I mentioned a site, or rather an “application” on Facebook, called Cloud Crowd which was great with providing this type of work for it’s members. I also clearly stated that most of my income from this site has been very little, because of the fact that I never have the time to do the work there myself! Most of my income has been coming from referrals… which is NOTHING compared to what they are earning by doing the work themselves!

I also mentioned my friend ebele, who managed to earn over $100 with Cloud Crowd just last month!

Her earnings are proof that this site definitely pays and is a good source of income for those looking to work from home.

I guess someone took me up on my last post, because I’ve gotten a few more payments from Cloud Crowd recently. Again, they’re all for about less than a dollar, but that person doing the work is earning 10 times what I am paid.

Here are four new payments I’ve gotten from Cloud Crowd.

cloudcrowd earnings, work at home jobs

cloudcrowd earnings, work at home jobs

cloudcrowd earnings, work at home jobs

cloudcrowd earnings, work at home jobs

These payments add up to $0.76. If you’d like more information on how Cloud Crowd works, read my more in depth post: How To Make Money On Facebook With Cloud Crowd

As we’re on the topic of minuscule payments, I thought I’d also throw in two others that I’ve received from YouData and Pinecone Research.

youdata get paid to click

pinecone research sign up link, sign up banner, payment proof

These two payments add up to $3.92

Altogether, that’s $4.68 and it brings my total earnings online to $9845.11! Slowly but surely, we’re getting to that 10K mark!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Hey guys! I’m not dead… Just been really busy this week.

click to give, help charity online by clicking I stumbled upon this really great PTC site, that’s sort of different. You can’t “make money” from it, but instead, you can earn points that you can redeem for prizes on the site. But what’s even better is, the ads you’re clicking daily helps charity! That’s right, by clicking these ads on a daily basis, you’re donating to causes such as Animal Care, Feed The Poor, Stop Child Abuse, End Homelessness, Fight Cancer, and Sponsor Children. Sign up at Click To Give and click to help charities and earn free rewards! It’s 100% Free to join and 100% of the proceeds go to the charities.

The prizes in the Click To Give prize shop range from T-shirts, notebooks, pens, plush toys, hoodies, jewelry, etc… which are all printed with charity related phrases, etc.

It’s probably not the BEST prizes in the world, but think of the good cause that it’s for and click these sites daily! It only takes a few minutes of your time, and you can make the world a better place.

Don’t we all wish the world was a better place? Be the change you wish to see.

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Hey guys!

It’s Columbus Day here in New York, and thankfully, my job type allowed for me to be off! Hubby isn’t though. 🙁

Anyway, I figured there was no better time than now for me to get some online work done, so today I’d like to post some payments that I received recently. These are tiny payments from some of the smaller sites I work with, doing very EASY work. Therefore, it’s obvious, that you would not be able to get rich or make a lot of money doing these things.

Firstly, here are two payments I received from YouData, which is a paid to click site. You get paid to click and view ads on this site. It’s the ONLY paid to click (PTC) site that I belong to, because I really like the fact that they pay more per ad than any other PTC site I’ve found. I also like that there is no minimum payment threshold, and you get paid whatever you earn, every single Friday, via Paypal.

My only gripe with this site, is that there are not that many ads to click on a regular basis. But my referrals have been earning me little by little every week, so I’m guessing at least they’re getting ads to click and making money with YouData!

These are actually my 74th and 75th payment from this company, so you know that they are legit and do pay their members!

youdata payment, get paid to click ads online

paid to click, ptc sites 2010, proof of payment ptc

If you’re interested in finding out more information about how to click ads and get paid on this site, check out: YouData – The best PTC site.

Another site I got paid from recently is Cloud Crowd. This site is actually a Facebook application, which makes it so much easier because almost everyone and their brother has Facebook recently! So now instead of playing games all day like Bejewelled, FarmVille, FrontierVille, and whatever other games are out there today, you can work online from home and make money!

Cloud Crowd is hard to put in a category, there are TONS of different types of work to do there. There is data entry, research work, proof reading and editing, etc. The list goes on and on. I’m sure you’ll be able to find something you can do and make money. In fact, I just logged in and saw they had a “sing song” task, where you get paid for SINGING! Each of those tasks is worth 25 cents, so if you completed 4, you’ve just earned yourself a buck!

This payment came strictly from the work of my referrals, I haven’t had much time myself to work on this site lately, but I know of someone who does spend time working on this site, and earn quite a lot on a monthly basis! Check out my friend ebele’s September’s earnings where she made over $100 on Cloud Crowd

cloudcrowd, make money on facebook, data entry work, proof reading work

Check out this post for more info on How To Make Money On Facebook With Cloud Crowd.

So these payments add up to only $1.45 and it brings my total earnings online to $9840.43!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

I previously did a post regarding cheap Halloween costumes from Well, I just found some promotional coupon codes that can save you even more money on your Halloween costume this year!

Use the following codes at checkout when ordering your Halloween costume from to save money!

VAMP10 – 10% off Any Order
Skull20 – $20 off Halloween Costumes
MAD10 – 10% off $40 or more
bogo20 – Buy One Get One 20% off

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

So I decided to get this out of the way early this month, because come tomorrow; a new full work week starts, and I don’t believe I’ll ever again get the time to do it. Here is my total update earnings post, for the month of September 2010.

Cashcrate: $74.49

Pinecone Research: $15

Swagbucks: $25

Squishy Cash: $29.46

Dollar Click or Sign Up: $27.54

YouData: $2.22

Paid Advertising: $50

Affiliate Marketing – MaxBounty: $304.04

Google Adsense: (Made the threshold in Sept, but I think that means I don’t get paid until the end of October. So I won’t add it to my total until I get paid.)

Total: $527.75

Ok so it might not seem like I earned as much this month as I usually do in the previous months, but I still don’t think it’s bad at all. Because if you add my Google Adsense earnings (for September), it would mean that I made around $650. But I still prefer to wait until I’m actually paid before I add it to my total earnings.

My Cashcrate earnings however, did in fact dip a bit, and I’m going to try and work on that this month and see what I can do to bring it back up.

With that said, hubby is waiting on me to watch “Hell in a Cell” with him, so I’ll wrap things up with my goals for October.

– I definitely want to make more money in October.

– I did in fact join a new affiliate marketing company, and I have been experimenting with some new campaigns which are doing quite well, so I hope to get paid by them before the end of October. That should put a little boost to my earnings.

But honestly, I have been having some really long days, and it’s pretty difficult to manage a full time job, a household, and a blog. So as usual, while I’d love to make $2820374639 every month… even if I only make $300, I’m happy.

I think this is the approach you should take when making money online, because trust me, if you get frustrated easily, then this might not be for you.

Every month isn’t going to be an awesome month where you make a ton of money. So you have to take the good with the bad, and just see ANY money you make as money you DIDN’T have before.

Have a productive week everyone!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

cheap sexy Halloween costumes October is here, and you know what that means… HALLOWEEN!

In case you don’t know, since I do tend to keep my personal life separate from this blog, I dress up every year for Halloween! Last year hubby and I were soldiers, and the year before, I was a cop and he was a convict!

I’ve actually decided what we’re going to be this year, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise, in case some of my friends are reading this blog (which they don’t. LOL).

But anyway, if you’re still in search of finding great Halloween costumes at a reasonable price, check out which is where I’m getting our costumes from. I’ve found that they have pretty cheap Halloween costumes and they have a wide variety as well to choose from!

They even have Halloween costumes that are under $10!

Saving money is the next best thing after making money!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Here are some payment proofs I’ve gotten in the past week or so. My schedule has been so tight that I no longer have the time to post them individually as soon as I get them, but I would like to keep the purpose of my blog going and update you on all the money I make online for free. So here goes…

Today I got paid from! I’ve been a member of this site for a while now, and I currently rank it as one of the best GPT site around! They have contests that run every single day where you can earn and win more money. There is a helpful forum and very active and helpful shoutout box for immediate help on the site. The layout might seem confusing at first, but take just a few minutes to get the feel of it, and you’ll realize that everything important is right there on the “dashboard”, just a click away. This payment is for $22.61 and as usual, I’ve already posted it on their forum for my $1 bonus!

squishycash gpt, make money online, take surveys

I’ve also gotten a payment from Pinecone Research which is my absolute favorite survey site! There are several posts throughout my blog about why this is my favorite, but for a quick run down of how you can get paid to take surveys on Pinecone Research, read: Pinecone Research is one of the best survey sites!

pinecone research sign up banner, make money online taking surveys

Here’s another small payment I received as well. YouData is the only PTC site that I remain a member off, only because they pay much more per ad than other PTC sites. It isn’t at all time consuming, and in fact, the ads are enjoyable to look at. I have found several great blogs, and shopping sites from YouData. They continue to pay on time every single Friday via Paypal. This payment is only for $0.57, but I’ve continued to say this time and time again… “every little bit adds up!”

youdata payment, get paid to click online, make money clicking ads

Last but not least, I’ve managed to sell some ad space recently here on my blog. So here’s a payment I received for paid advertising. I’ve blacked out the sender and his email as to keep the transaction confidential.

paid advertising, sell ad space on blog

These payments add up to $76.18 and they bring my total earnings online to $9838.98!

An update for my international readers (those that do not live in the United States), coming up next… stay tuned!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Today and tomorrow, I’m off again from work because of Jewish Holidays. I’ve never been so grateful to Jewish people than I am right now. I REALLY need this break. I’ve been working some really long hours, and whenever I get home, I literally make dinner, eat dinner, can’t get off the couch, get up to take a shower, and then pass out in bed. My day job itself isn’t that hard, I guess it’s just the “waking up at 6am every morning” that takes a toll on me. I’m not a morning person and I hate waking up early. But today, I’ve been up since about 10a.m. and I’m catching up on some “make money online” stuff.

I’m currently taking surveys from GlobalTestMarket as I speak. If it’s one positive thing I can say about this survey site, is that they send out survey invitations VERY often! I get about 5 or more survey invites on a daily basis! I don’t always qualify for them all, but I qualify for most. I currently have 435 MarketPoints, and you’re able to redeem them for cash when you reach 1000 MarketPoints, so I’m a little less than half way there. Most surveys are worth about 30 MarketPoints. Some much more! I’ve had surveys worth 60 MarketPoints before! So basically, if you do some quick math, 1000 / 30 = 33. So you’ll have to do about 33 surveys or so before you get paid from this company. But like I said, some surveys are worth much more than just 30 points, so that number is just tentative. I don’t think it’s a bad deal. I joined on 07/27/2010, let’s see how long it takes me to reach payout with GlobalTestMarket. I must tell you though, with my busy schedule, I’ve missed quite a lot of survey invites that ended up expiring before I got to it.

I’ve also written an article this morning. Not for payment, but for promotion of my blog which will be posted on a couple of article sites throughout the Internet. This is the kind of thing I talk about when I say you need to “work on your blog”. Creating a blog is easy, getting people to find it is the hard part. Getting people to like it, find it informational, and keep coming back to read more is even harder! There are so many ways to get your blog out there, and writing articles is just one of them. Some popular article sites you can publish your articles to are and There are quite a few others.

Edit** Make that 450 MarketPoints at GlobalTestMarket. I just completed another short survey which was worth 15 Points. Yes, I multi-task quite a lot.

So I also have several payment proofs to post, and some other stuff to talk about when it comes to making money online, but I’ll do it in another post soon.

Hope everyone’s been having a good week so far. Hang in there, it’s only one more day to go until Friday!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

More “Work From Home” Opportunities!

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