So I know it’s been what seems like forever, since I’ve written a blog post, but my life has been ON THE GO every single day, so I apologize for not having the time to keep up with it all and still maintain this blog very frequently.
But I do have a few new payment proofs to post, some updates on my personal life and blogging, some new sites I’ve joined, and some other goodies.. so stay tuned. I don’t want to write an extremely long cumbersome post that has everything jumbled up, so I’ll try my best to separate them in a few different posts.
First off, I hope everyone’s been doing well, both in real life and when it comes to making money online.
I know both can be a struggle, but keep your heads up!
I’ve been spending so much time out of my house that when I am actually in, I just want to curl up on the couch with my husband under my fuzzy blankie and watch tv; even if it’s UFC Boxing and Football which he can’t seem to get enough of.
Blogging, while I enjoy it immensely, isn’t my number 1 priority lately. My real day job and family comes first… and I mean can you really blame me? Isn’t that how it should be? After all, this whole thing DID start as a hobby, and I intend to keep it that way. It’s the only way I can enjoy making money on the internet without getting frustrated that I’m not making a million bucks like the big guys; John Chow, and ShoeMoney.
Hobby = Happiness.
So even though I’ve still been making money online, and with this blog, the question has often danced in my mind; “How long will that keep happening if I don’t have the necessary time to put into creating new content, and doing SEO work which would keep my blog ranking well, and hence, keep me making money?”
The answer: Your guess is just as good as mine.
I’m clueless as to how long this blog will stay profitable to me if I don’t continue to work on it like I should be doing. So what are my options?
1. Keep the blog, updating and working on it only when I have the time to do so, and wait til it probably eventually dies and makes me $0.
2. Cut back on my personal life, cuddle time, etc, and make more time for blogging and SEO.
3. Sell the blog.
Honestly, option #2 is out of my book. I refuse to do it. I know some of the hardcore internet marketers might think it is necessary for success and it would be a good sacrifice of my time for future rewards, but my philosophy of life tends to differ. I believe life is short, and while I love this blog and the money I make from it, I refuse to trade time with my husband and going out with my friends and family, for staying in and locking myself out of the world to blog. I just won’t do it.
Money isn’t everything to me, and it certainly can’t by my happiness.
So that leaves option #1 and option #3.
What are your opinions?
I’m more leaning towards option #3. Yes really. I am actually considering selling my blog. Not immediately. But in time to come.
But I have to make decisions quickly, because if I keep doing what I’m doing right now, which is not working hard enough on keeping my rankings, then basically when it drops, it will be worth much less if in fact I do decide to sell it.
However, I have no idea of how much blogs “go for” nowadays. Like how would you even know what is a good price? What if I sell it for $1000, but the person that buys it makes that back within just a month or two, and then keeps the blog and makes 4x times that amount in a year or less. That wouldn’t be such a profitable deal on my end.
Anyone has any ideas of how blog worth is calculated? And no I don’t mean those “blog worth” sites because they all give you a different amount, and I believe they are just “estimates” for fun… not actual value.
I mean like a real formula for calculating blog worth. Example, (money blog makes per month currently) x (some random number here)… Or at least something like that.
Anyway, don’t be alarmed, because I haven’t decided that this is what I’m going to do yet. I just might keep the darn blog how it’s been going, because I do enjoy posting now and again and keeping it going, and God knows I love those payments I get ever so often for a couple of hundreds here and there… The little goes a long way for me!
So I guess I should get to the next post now, and post some payment proofs, etc.
Stay tuned!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.