Make Money Online Free

Now usually, I never recommend joining “relatively” new sites. I always suggest that it’s better to go with the ones that are already established and have been around for a while.

However this one is different.

I am privileged to know the owner and founder of this site, who goes by the name of Sandy. Since my join to the GPT world, I’ve met and associated with a couple of the big names in the business, and Sandy is one of those people. He has made his mark on the “making money online” world, and the GPT market as well, and now he’s ventured off into a new direction and started his own GPT site.

From my personal experience, Sandy has been nothing but a help to me. He guided me in the right direction, even offering advice when it came to this blog, HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE FREE FAST AND EASY, and I rushed to the offer of being a member of his site, You can be assured that by signing up at this site, you WILL get paid.

I’ve added the banner to my list of sites that I recommend. Be a part of GPT history and join this site before it blows the rest out of the water!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

So I’ve been a bit quiet for a while, simply because there’s always so much going on.

I try to keep my earnings going every month, while still maintaining this blog, and also looking for new ways to increase my earnings. It can be quite a bit to keep up with sometimes.

But all in all, here’s a few pointers on what I’ve been up to lately.

blog* I created 2 new blogs, one that I’ll just randomly rant and rave in called About Everything, Anything and Nothing. And another one with pictures of The Fifth Summit of the Americas that took place not too long ago in my home country of Trinidad and Tobago. They’re basically created because, well besides making money online, there are other things that interest me as well, and I’m not always able to talk about them here because I’d go too off topic from my “niche”. So check them out and let me know what you think!

* I’ve been trying to keep up in the contest on Squishy Cash. I’m now in 4th place. I’m really trying to pick up the pace and do much better. There are a few members on that site that are really hardcore! LOL. Don’t forget if you haven’t signed up yet, hurry and do so now because there’s only a few days left for you get that $10 sign up bonus! It’s only a promo that runs for this month, April. The regular sign up bonus of $3 will be enforced starting from May.

* My total earnings this month isn’t working up to as much as last month. At least for now, but hey, the month’s not over and I’ll be sure to keep you posted on how it compares.

article writing, make money online* Also, I haven’t written an article for Associated Content all month! But they recently sent me an email and it seems like now’s a great time to publish with them. They are now running a “Green for Good” contest in honor of Earth Month. Every article that has a “green” theme that you submit before April 30, will count as an entry in the contest. “One lucky winner will receive a brand new, eco-friendly Dell Hybrid desktop computer and 30 runners-up will each receive an AC tote bag and recycled-paper notebook.” I’m so busy lately, I don’t think I’ll get a chance to take part in this, besides, I’m not very experienced when it comes to “going green” however that doesn’t mean you can’t.

I guess that’s about it for now. I’m going to go try to make some more money online, and I guess my next update might be at the end of the month sometime.


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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

I’ve gotten a lot of emails from people asking for other ways to earn besides taking offers and surveys online. I already have a couple sites listed on this blog like Associated Content, Squidoo, and Hubpages, where you can earn money by writing articles. Now I’ve added a site where you can get paid to blog.

At, you can sign up for a FREE account and start blogging right away about anything you’re interested in! Just like you blog here at Blogger, you can use as your personal blog, but instead you get paid to post!

To start off, you are guaranteed to earn at least $2.00 per 1000 visitors for at least 1 month. After that, you’re payments can either increase or decrease depending on a few things such as how popular your topics are, and your quality of writing. Your blog will be evaluated monthly to determine whether your earnings go up or down.

Payments are sent out on a monthly basis on the 10th of each month for your earnings of the previous month, and payout is $50. If you don’t meet payout, your earnings are carried over to the next month.

You can choose to be paid by paypal or check.

You aren’t allowed to put any kind of referral or affiliate links in your posts.

You are required to post on a regular basis or else your account can be closed for inactivity.

You can also earn by referring others to, but they have to meet specific requirements which you can read more about in the FAQ.

So that’s about it. This is just another way on how you can make money online free, fast, and easy, by doing something which you love to do, and are probably already doing anyway!

This can also be a great place to get a high PR backlink to your main blog! So sign up today and start getting paid to blog at

Here’s my first post at


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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Hey everyone, I know I’ve been updating pretty often and it’s probably not giving you guys a chance to keep up, but alot has been going on and I guess it’s just exciting so I always have something to say!

So there’s a new contest going on at Deal Barbie Pays and it’s a Youtube Contest!

How it works is that members have until April 22nd 9pm EST to create & post a video on youtube.

Then they submit the link to Christina, who’s the super nice owner of Deal Barbie Pays.

The evening of the 22nd, she will post the entries along with a poll that will run through the 27th at 9pm EST. and the MEMBERS will be able to vote to choose their favorite videos.

The prizes are:
1st- $20
2nd- $10
3rd – $5

So it’s a pretty neat fun little contest for a chance to win some extra cash! And here’s my random submission.

Yeah I’m not the best at public speaking, can you tell? LOL.

But maybe visit youtube and leave a comment or rating? That would be super nice!


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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

You asked for it? Now here it is.. How to make money online free, fast and super easy!

deal barbie pays contestGet in on the action! Join Deal Barbie Pays today and get $1 bonus for every 3 offers you complete!

I’m definitely going to take advantage of this awesome promo so don’t expect me back until tomorrow or after šŸ˜‰


So instead of doing an entirely new post, I just thought I’d edit this one and let you guys know how the contest turned out and how much bonus bucks I managed to rake in!

I won an extra $5 today! And today’s work put my earnings on Deal Barbie Pays at $45.45!

By the way, there are some more awesome promos coming up, like 30% more cash, 30% more signs, and another $1 bonus for every 3 offers completed. Sign up free now at Deal Barbie Pays and check the contest calender to see which contest is which day!

By far one of the easiest most fun ways to make money online free!

Goodnight! šŸ™‚

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Hey everyone! How’s your Sunday afternoon going?

My weekend has been pretty good so far, and I got a few minutes to get online so I was just checking on my earnings for the month, since it’s a little over halfway through the month.

So I’ll make this a quick post, here goes..

* April’s Earnings: $70.13
* Points: 105

(I find this to be really good since I know I haven’t been as focused this month as I was in previous months! Also if you’ve read my last post I just made 1000 points on!, you’ll see that I’ve just cashed out all my points and redeemed a $50 Victoria’s Secret gift card and again I’m already up to 105 points!)

Deal Barbie Pays
* Balance: $27.32
* Signs: 986.90

(I haven’t been doing offers much on this site, but I’ve been partaking alot in the Games they recently launched. It usually takes place in the chat room on the site, and they’ve already held sessions of Family Feud, and Roulette! It’s a pretty fun way to earn cash/signs for prizes. Also, they have an amazing promotion coming up on the 21st of April, where every 3 offers you complete, you get $1 bonus! That’s when I plan to do most of my offers, so sign up now and take advantage of this great promo!)

Squishy Cash
* Cash: $34.84
* Chips: 167.00

(I’m still in 3rd place for the contest this month on that site. The prize for 3rd place is $100! I’m holding strong but I still plan on trying to do even better and rake in some more cash in the contest! Wish me luck.. )

* 119

(I’m sooo lovin’ this site! It’s super easy to earn swagbucks by searching every day, and I also love their little swag hunts they put on sometimes for swagcodes worth extra bucks! A great way for anyone just looking for a fun way to win prizes or even earn some giftcards, which in my opinion is like cash.)

So I promised I’d make this short and sweet…

Total Earnings as of April 19th: $132.29 + a $50 giftcard.

hundred dollar bill

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

So even though the day was beautiful outside here in New York, I wasn’t in the “going outside” kinda mood, so I decided to stay in.

I managed to accomplish a lot since I stayed in so I wouldn’t consider my day “wasted”. Also it’s suppose to be even nicer tomorrow so you definitely won’t catch me online, that’s why I’ve decided to update now!

Here are a few of the things I’ve accomplished:

*I finally reached 1000 points on Cashcrate and just redeemed it for a $50 Victoria’s Secret giftcard! Woohoo! I can’t wait. It’s supposed to be here sometime in May they said, but I already know what I want. LOL.

victoria's secret's bathing suit

What do you think? I really need a new bathing suit being that summer’s almost here and all, and well I’m sorta shy, contrary to popular belief lol, so I don’t really do bikinis. I figured this was kinda perfectly in between a bikini, and a one piece. LOL. Off course I’m sure I probably won’t look AS good in it! šŸ˜›

Here are a few screenshots of my actual points and after redeeming my giftcard. As usual, click for bigger views.

redeem points for prizes on cashcrate
^When I got to 1000 points.

redeem points for free giftcards
^After redeeming my giftcard.

prizes for points
^My prize pending to be shipped.

Pretty cool huh? Well besides all that fun stuff, I’ve actually been doing some work as well, working on building up this blog, etc.

*I created another Squidoo Lens. So if you remember way back when, I created my first Squidoo Lens called Ways I make Extra Cash Online.

That was basically my introduction to the Squidoo world. I have decided today to extend my introduction and start actually talking about the ways I make money online.

Here is my second lens, How I make money online free, and how you can too! It’s basically a branch off from my sticky post on this blog, but its the easiest ways I can list the sites I use. I’m still so new to writing lenses but I will try to create a few more in time to come.

Also, don’t forget that it’s possible to earn from your lenses as well! In fact, I checked how much I earned from my last lens and I have 8 cents. Lol. This might not seem like a lot but remember I wrote it and forgot it even existed. If you promote yours well enough, you’ll get a lot more views than I did, and in return, earn more money for your lens.

There are also alot of people willing to buy Squidoo lenses! So if you’re a great content writer, you can sell your lens to someone and make money from it. Last but not least, remember, lenses are absolutely FREE to create. Just join Squidoo FREE and you can start creating your very first lens right away!

*I have joined Hubpages and created 2 new hubs What are Hubpages? Well the fact is and are very similar in the sense that they both allow you a space on the internet for free, where you can talk about whatever you want.

As Squidoo calls these “one page wonders” a lens, it is referred to as a hub by Hubpages. Also, like lenses, you can also make money from your hubs by sharing in the revenue it generates. Another way you can earn from your hubs are by adding Google Adsense, Amazon, Ebay, or Kontera to the hub, providing that you are signed up with these companies as affiliates.

Besides the fact that you can set up yourself to earn from it, it’s a great tool for promoting your blog or website, because like Squidoo, and some argue even more so, Google tends to “favor” Hubpages. It’s a free way to get a great high PR backlink to your site or blog.

However, before you rush out to build your hubpages. These are a few things you might want to take note of.

– NO AFFILIATE LINKS are allowed on stresses that the best hubs are “useful, informative, richly detailed, and truly original.” is strictly anti spam! You cannot build your hub to only promote an offer or another site or business!

– No nudity, sexually explicit content, or links to adult or pornographic sites can be used on your hub.

– No gambling or promoting of gambling sites!

– The text on your hub should match the title! No deceptive or misleading hubs. require the text of your hubs to be majorly in English.

– Be sure to write original content. In fact, the more original the hub, the higher the Hubscore it is rewarded with. No copying or using content that you do not have the right to use.

– All hubs must be completed before published. No unfinished work.

Oh, and here are my two hubs.

Make Money Online Free Now!

Can I really make money with GPT sites?

Ok so I guess I should just end here. That was pretty long for one post. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I always reply ASAP.

If you’re a new visitor, thanks for stopping by! Hope you learn something from this blog, and hope you bookmark and come back again soon!

That’s all folks. See ya! Have a great weekend!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

First of all, I just wanted to say a special thank you to everyone that gave me feedback on my new layout! I’m glad you guys like it! I really like the new change as well, and I tend to keep it around for a while. šŸ˜‰

Secondly, I have to say.. I LOVE and I’m officially a “Swaggernaut” lol, which is what the site refers to people who are addicted. Haha!

I absolutely love how easy it is to just search some random word or phrase every day and win swagbucks for it!

Here’s a screenshot of my latest win! P.S. Don’t ask why I searched that haha, I just typed in the first random thought that came to mind.

swagbucks search and win

As usual click for a bigger view.

And if you noticed, I now have 101 Swagbucks! I can already redeem for a few prizes but I prefer to save up for something really good, especially since they’re so easy to get.

I’ve gotten a few questions about Swagbucks, so here are just a few explanations for people that might be wondering the same thing.

* Why am I searching and not winning any Swagbucks?

– You only win Swagbucks randomly, and not for every single search. However the Swagbucks FAQ states that a person can win up to 20 times a day for searching.

* If I’m not logged into, can I still win for searching?

– Yes you can, but if you win, you must then log in to claim the swagbuck on your account.

* Why can’t I join

– Currently, they only accept members of the United States. If you live in another country, that might be the problem.

* Where do I get swagcodes?

– I recently did a post called A Swagbucks Tip. You can find alot more information there about where to find swagcodes.

Hope this helps clarify a few of the questions people had about Swagbucks, and last but not least, yes it’s completely FREE to sign up!

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

Hey guys!

Just wanted to let all my regular readers know that your computer isn’t going crazy! Yes I did change the look and feel of this blog, HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE, FREE FAST AND EASY!

I went from the grungy black background to a more “clean” white one. Still keeping the pink theme tho but a different shade.

New header image, and donation image.

Any feedback? Do you like it? Do you not?

I personally like the change. I think it makes a lot of the information on my blog more readable, and well, I get bored easily so it’s a nice little change. Let me know what you guys think! šŸ™‚

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

I just posted a second ago at Making Money Online on a Monday, but I thought this deserved a new post.

I just updated my Total Earnings Todate section (under about me) to $511.48!

Seemed like the last couple of times I got paid, I was so excited, I forgot to update it.

Now that money is what I’ve actually been paid so far! I have earned more than that, but haven’t been paid yet. So as promised, only when I’m paid, I’ll update it. šŸ™‚

Still can’t believe I earned over $500 cash online! Without spending anything of my own, I earned 500 bucks! That’s pretty cool huh?

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About Reanna R

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.

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