So even though the day was beautiful outside here in New York, I wasn’t in the “going outside” kinda mood, so I decided to stay in.
I managed to accomplish a lot since I stayed in so I wouldn’t consider my day “wasted”. Also it’s suppose to be even nicer tomorrow so you definitely won’t catch me online, that’s why I’ve decided to update now!
Here are a few of the things I’ve accomplished:
*I finally reached 1000 points on Cashcrate and just redeemed it for a $50 Victoria’s Secret giftcard! Woohoo! I can’t wait. It’s supposed to be here sometime in May they said, but I already know what I want. LOL.
What do you think? I really need a new bathing suit being that summer’s almost here and all, and well I’m sorta shy, contrary to popular belief lol, so I don’t really do bikinis. I figured this was kinda perfectly in between a bikini, and a one piece. LOL. Off course I’m sure I probably won’t look AS good in it! š
Here are a few screenshots of my actual points and after redeeming my giftcard. As usual, click for bigger views.

^When I got to 1000 points.

^After redeeming my giftcard.

^My prize pending to be shipped.
Pretty cool huh? Well besides all that fun stuff, I’ve actually been doing some work as well, working on building up this blog, etc.
*I created another Squidoo Lens. So if you remember way back when, I created my first Squidoo Lens called Ways I make Extra Cash Online.
That was basically my introduction to the Squidoo world. I have decided today to extend my introduction and start actually talking about the ways I make money online.
Here is my second lens, How I make money online free, and how you can too! It’s basically a branch off from my sticky post on this blog, but its the easiest ways I can list the sites I use. I’m still so new to writing lenses but I will try to create a few more in time to come.
Also, don’t forget that it’s possible to earn from your lenses as well! In fact, I checked how much I earned from my last lens and I have 8 cents. Lol. This might not seem like a lot but remember I wrote it and forgot it even existed. If you promote yours well enough, you’ll get a lot more views than I did, and in return, earn more money for your lens.
There are also alot of people willing to buy Squidoo lenses! So if you’re a great content writer, you can sell your lens to someone and make money from it. Last but not least, remember, lenses are absolutely FREE to create. Just join Squidoo FREE and you can start creating your very first lens right away!
*I have joined Hubpages and created 2 new hubs What are Hubpages? Well the fact is and are very similar in the sense that they both allow you a space on the internet for free, where you can talk about whatever you want.
As Squidoo calls these “one page wonders” a lens, it is referred to as a hub by Hubpages. Also, like lenses, you can also make money from your hubs by sharing in the revenue it generates. Another way you can earn from your hubs are by adding Google Adsense, Amazon, Ebay, or Kontera to the hub, providing that you are signed up with these companies as affiliates.
Besides the fact that you can set up yourself to earn from it, it’s a great tool for promoting your blog or website, because like Squidoo, and some argue even more so, Google tends to “favor” Hubpages. It’s a free way to get a great high PR backlink to your site or blog.
However, before you rush out to build your hubpages. These are a few things you might want to take note of.
– NO AFFILIATE LINKS are allowed on
– stresses that the best hubs are “useful, informative, richly detailed, and truly original.”
– is strictly anti spam! You cannot build your hub to only promote an offer or another site or business!
– No nudity, sexually explicit content, or links to adult or pornographic sites can be used on your hub.
– No gambling or promoting of gambling sites!
– The text on your hub should match the title! No deceptive or misleading hubs.
– require the text of your hubs to be majorly in English.
– Be sure to write original content. In fact, the more original the hub, the higher the Hubscore it is rewarded with. No copying or using content that you do not have the right to use.
– All hubs must be completed before published. No unfinished work.
Oh, and here are my two hubs.
Make Money Online Free Now!
Can I really make money with GPT sites?
Ok so I guess I should just end here. That was pretty long for one post. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I always reply ASAP.
If you’re a new visitor, thanks for stopping by! Hope you learn something from this blog, and hope you bookmark and come back again soon!
That’s all folks. See ya! Have a great weekend!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.