Yay! That’s me!
I won the completion contest today at Deal Barbie Pays! It brought my current balance on that site to $71.82!
Adding that to my current Cashcrate balance of $117.36
I’m at a total of $189.18!
Now that’s amazing!
Not forgetting my article I wrote and got $2.55 from. LOL! That’s $191.73!
And the month isn’t even over yet! This has been by far my best month ever, and I’m going to try to increase that amount next month! Wish me luck folks…..
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: cashcrate, contests, deal barbie pays, total earnings update | Comments (2)
I can’t believe I’ve come this far!
Look at this!

Now if you’ve been keeping up with my posts, you would have read that my goal for this month was to make $100 of combined online earnings! I can’t believe I’ve made it with just Cashcrate alone! I can’t wait for next month…..
And as if that wasn’t sweet enough.
Today I won $5 and 45 signs on Deal Barbie Pays. Look at the screenshots below!

That brought my earnings for the month there to $55.62 and 303.75 signs!
If you haven’t gotten started on this yet, you’re really missing out a great opportunity to make some extra cash. Now that I’m not working anymore, I’m sure I can find a ton of things to do with that money!
Click the banners below and sign up FREE!

Good luck!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: cashcrate, deal barbie pays, earn money, GPT | Comments (3)
I just got paid $2.55 from Associated Content to literally complain. LOL.
Here’s a screenshot of my payment sent via Paypal.

And here’s a link to the article I wrote.
Myspace VS. Facebook
My second article was denied because they said there were alot of articles like that floating around the internet. It’s okay because it was about the fact that “not all girls go crazy for flowers and candy”. Not sure my boyfriend would’ve appreciated it being there anyway haha!
Well that’s all for now. I’m pretty happy with my month’s earnings so far. And I’m almost at $100 on Cashcrate! Only a few more dollars to go!
And to HalfCrazy.. No you don’t need a credit card to sign up! (Tried posting a comment on your latest blog post but the “word verification” kept saying loading the whole time :/) **Edit.. never mind, I just got it working. LOL. And I saved that comment from this morning. I didn’t actually just wake up hehe.
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: article writing, associated content, cashcrate, paypal | Comments (4)
Here is my THIRD check from Cashcrate !

Click image to open full view.
This site has to be the most amazing I’ve ever come across. Who knew it was possible to make money online in my spare time? Who knew there were actually legit sites out there that really did pay!
Here are links to my posts about my first and second checks incase you missed them:
By the way! My FOURTH check will be in the mail soon and it’s my biggest one yet! I can’t wait!
Total earnings from Cashcrate
so far (3 checks) = $156.40
If you haven’t signed up yet and want to check this out… Go to this site I’ve put together called EVERYTHING CASHCRATE. There are tons of information on getting started and how to make money on Cashcrate
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: cashcrate payment, extra cash, make money online | Comments (2)
I’m so excited!
I just hit and went over my $100 goal of online earnings for this month!
Who knew this would actually be paying off?! I’m so hyped! 🙂 I plan on raising my goal again next month but not my much because I really don’t wanna get ahead of myself here…..
Anyways here’s how my earnings add up!
: $63.31
Deal Barbie Pays
: $43.96
Total: $107.27
I’m super excited! Especially since I started out thinking that this would never work out. LOL. And I have the rest of the month to earn still, so I’ll do a final update again about my earnings when the month is over.
I’ll be sure to post my checks and payments as soon as I receive them, and for anyone out there thinking that this can’t be possible. You’re missing a fun lil ride. I pass pennies and dimes on the floor sometimes, and I never thought I’d be this excited to see them add up and go in my pockets!
I can get use to this 😉
Other than that, hope everyone’s doing good. Special hi to my newest blogger friend HalfCrazy! 🙂 She’s so much fun! Her posts always make me smile 🙂
And hi to my blogger buddy and Cashcrate partner Good Steward as well! She always keeps in touch and has something positive to add to my postings!
Well guys, that’s all for now. I had a long night.. was out and about 😉 and I’m pretty much pooped out right about now. So I’ll go have myself a little nap soon!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: earn money, extra cash, make money online | Comments (2)
So I know this blog is primarily about ways to make money online free, but I’m a real person with real feelings and just had to say something about this. I’m appalled.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the recent “fight” between Chris Brown and Rihanna. Now I’m in a relationship myself, and I can tell you that there can be heated moments when arguing sometimes. But regardless of how provoked he was, I’m disappointed in his judgement. In my opinion it takes more courage and “manliness” to walk away from a fight, than to actually start one. I was a fan of his, and I say was because I’m not sure I can continue to be a fan of someone that does this to women. The picture below speaks for itself.

Image courtesy of TMZ.
Regardless of her popularity, it doesn’t make her any less of a person than we are. She has the same feelings and emotions, and I’m sure this couldn’t have felt good. Nobody deserves to be treated this way.
I really hope the fact that he’s “famous” doesn’t let him get away with this. Because if it does, it will definitely send a wrong message to young men everywhere. Actions have consequences, and I hope he faces his.
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: Uncategorized | Comments (3)
Hey everyone! First off let me say hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine’s Day! Mine was pretty special and I spent it with my “special someone”. He always makes me smile, whether it’s Valentines, Christmas, or “just another manic monday”. Love you babe, and thanks for the flowers. 🙂 They’re really pretty!
Well everything else has been going great so far! My total earnings for the month (only counting my two main sources of income, GPT sites Cashcrate and Deal Barbie Pays is now at: $61.79.
I say only from my two main sources because there are a couple of other ways I earn online, but you don’t get paid until you reach payout. So if I don’t get to payout this month, then that earnings will just be rolled over into next month, and the next, until I reach payout and can collect my earnings. Hence, I won’t include it in my updates, because it’s more of an accumulated earnings, rather than a monthly thing. However I will be sure to post payment specifics and proof as soon as it is available! 🙂
And I also just finished writing two more articles for Associated Content. As soon as those get approved and published I’ll be sure to keep you posted! They are quite entertaining actually and I had fun writing them!
Well that’s all for now I guess. It’s pretty late so I’ll get some rest.
Happy earning!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: article writing, cashcrate, deal barbie pays, GPT, make money online | Comments (6)
I finally deposited my second Cashcrate check today, the one for $53.90! 🙂
I received it the ending of last month, but never got a chance to deposit. My THIRD check should be here anytime soon too! It’s for $44.78, which is less than my other two, but to be fair, I did have a terrible month of January. With me being sick, and the fall I took, Cashcrate seemed to be the last thing on my mind really. So I’ll take it and be contented.
In total (including my check that’s coming this month), that brings my Cashcrate earnings to $156.40
I joined Cashcrate on Oct. 26th 2008 so it’s around 3 and a half months I guess.
I think that’s pretty decent considering the fact that I do this in my spare time, and that I never spent a cent!
Other than that, not much is new. Happy early Valentine’s Day. Hope everyone spends the day with a loved one tomorrow.

My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: cashcrate, earn extra cash, make money online | Comment (1)

So I was kinda M.I.A. today because I took the entire day to do offers and surveys on Deal Barbie Pays.
Well, maybe not the ENTIRE DAY because I did get up like 12pm and then I was on the phone pretty much for a good part of the afternoon. Then I took 2 hours from 8 to 10 to watch American Idol, which I must say I’m upset the judges didn’t let Jamar Rogers through, yet that squeaky voice annoying over the top dramaqueen Tatianna girl made it to the top 36. UGH!
But anyway, I digress.
So today, I did offers on Deal Barbie Pays for a maybe a good 2 or 3 hours in the evening. They had an amazing promo today where you got a $2.00 bonus for EVERY 10 offers completed. Needless to say, I already made payout on that site. 🙂 And now the rest of the month is just gravy. I also had some fun playing the Deal Wheel and I think I might be addicted! I won 10signs the first time and 25signs the next. Too bad you’re only allowed to play twice a month, and well, I’ve already used up my two times for February.

If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t think you missed out because they still have alot more contests for this month. Infact there’s one starting tomorrow.
Contest Starting Tommorrow-
Feb 12th 12:01am EST – Feb 16th 9pm EST
Completion Contest
Complete the most offers & win!
Prizes- $20, $10, $5
So sign up at Deal Barbie Pays and start earning today!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: contests, deal barbie pays, games, make money online | Comment (0)
So now I’ve signed up at Squidoo and here is my first lens.
Ways I make extra cash online.
What is Squidoo you ask?
Squidoo is basically a free space on the internet to use as you wish. It’s free and anyone can make a lens (article or page about anything) and promote on the internet.
There is no limit to how many lenses you can make, but why make a lens? What’s the benefit of having a lens on squidoo?
1. Squidoo lens get indexed very quickly, most times in a matter of 48 hrs it can be found on Google.
2. Alot of people use Squidoo to write lenses that drive traffic to their main blog or site since Squidoo is said to be “favored” alot by the major search engines, especially Google. There are alot of lenses that climb to the top results displayed on google very easily.
3. Squidoo pays you (the creator of the lens) a portion of the revenue they make from advertising on your lens. In other words, yes, you can make money from your Squidoo lenses!
4. Squidoo allows you to put html links into your articles and even add your blog links as resources etc. Anything goes, the more you promote the better chance you have of getting traffic to wherever you desire it!
Squidoo also gives 5% of their earnings right off the bat to charity. They take 45% to cover their costs. And the next 50% they give to you, and you have the choice to donate all, some or none of it to a charity of your choice.
So what are you waiting for? Start “Squidooing” now!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.
Filed under: earn extra cash, make money online, referrals, squidoo lens | Comment (0)