MY CURRENT CASHCRATE EARNINGS! $52.65! I know I can’t believe it either 😀

So after a little thought and a private message from a fellow cashcrate buddy (Thanks Briguy!), I’ve decided to put together a little top ten list that would help my readers learn more about this great site.
Here goes:
1. Create new email addresses often. Eg. Make one email address and use it for offers from different companies (quiz, click two offers, $1.00 offer, register to a site, etc). Then make another one and do it all over again with a new batch of different offers.
2. Clean cookies after every offer. I’ve found that using both CCleaner and by going to Tools > Clear Private Data (I use Firefox) to be most effective in getting offers to confirm.
3. Keep pending earnings between $5 and $10. This is more of a personal choice from personal experience since it has been said that the pending earnings have nothing to do with confirmation. I just find that my offers go through faster when I do a little at a time, wait for some to confirm, and then do some more!
4. Join the forums. This is probably my best tip of all. There is so much helpful information there!
5. Keep an eye on the thread “Which offers approved for you today” in the forum’s general section. Go to the last page to get an idea of what offers are confirming for others. Try those offers first, chances are they confirm for you too!
6. Tell friends and family! There is alot to be made from referring others and who better to start with than people you can MAKE sign up for you! LOL.
7. Start a blog and try to update it regularly with good content about cashcrateThis is great for referrals who might come across your blog online and decide to give it a try.
8. Do some research. Don’t be lazy to read or research about money making opportunities online. Think about it, if you searched it, there’s a great possibility that someone else did too. This can give you lots of ideas and great places where you can advertise your link and blog to get referrals.
9. Set aside time everyday, even if it’s just half hour, to work on offers and/or getting referrals, and set realistic goals for specific amounts to earn each month. After all, like any other job, you won’t get paid if you just sit and do nothing all month. Setting goals really help to motivate you to do more and it’s a great feeling when you meet your goal for the month!
10. And last but not least, relax and find the joy in earning money from the comfort of your own home! Realize that this is not a get rich quick scheme and you won’t get a million dollars from it. Instead be contented and happy with whatever you’re making and consider it a complement to your regular monthly salary. After all, even if you just earn 50 bucks like me, it’s 50 bucks you didn’t have before you joined!
Well that was it. 🙂 Hope it helps someone in some way!
Hope everyone had a great holiday season. Mine was a blast and I can’t wait to bring in the new year!
My real name is Reanna but around the web, especially in the MMO (make money online) world, I'm referred to as TriNi. On this blog, I aim to teach people that it CAN be done; that there are legit and 100% free ways to make money online.